Get to know me


I was born in Colombia. At the age of 16 I was diagnosed with a chronic inflammatory disorder and after many years of research I found yoga to be the best solution. After practicing Yoga for about 14 years, I have found my symptoms to be almost non-existent. With a very supportive family, friends and peers I have taken yoga to the next level, instructing. I finished my Vinyasa teacher training and my wish is to share the healing science of yoga with others. Yoga and meditation has helped me tremendously in my healing journey. Through yoga, I found myself healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Yoga reminds me that we each have inside of us everything that we need and it gives me the skills to go “inside” and listen to my own intuition and guidance.


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I am grateful to have found Anny

Rated 5 out of 5
9 months ago

Anny has a way of challenging you while still being gentle and reminding you to listen to your body. Every time I take her class I feel invigorated yet relaxed. She is very caring and always ready to help anyone that wants to take the pose to the next level or who need a little more support. I am grateful to have found Anny and the fact that some of her classes are free shows her passion for helping the community and have made it possible for me to practice yoga.
